Produced, directed, filmed and edited by Alon Segal הפקה בימוי צילום ועריכהAssistant photographer: Daniel Bibas
Additional 360 Editing & stitching and AE: Alexander Chaos
Thanks to all the people and places that took part in this journey.
Special thanks to: Amir Bresler, Karolina, Yoav Lipkin, Boaz Murad, Nadav Arbel, Noga, Avigail, Daniel Bibas, Edi Israelski, Galia Malovrotsky Baruch gutman, Gan Saflolim, Familia Segal, NOA Ella &Bar - Colombia, New York, Spain and all the beautiful people & creatures that took park in the filmin
The song was recorded at the Tzolelet Studio, Tel Aviv & at Itai Matos's studio, Tel Aviv